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Group updates

For more details, see XMTP's Groups documentation.

Group updated object

The group_updated type contains the following

  initiatedByInboxId: address, // Address of the user who initiated the update
  metadataFieldChanges: Record<string, string>[], // Record of metadata fields that changed
  removedInboxes: string[], // Array of addresses of users removed from the group
  addedInboxes: string[], // Array of addresses of users added to the group

Membership update

Receive a group_updated event when a group membership changes.

Added member

When a member is added to a group it will emit a group_updated event with a addedInboxes array containing the addresses of the users added.

if (typeId === "group_updated") {
  const { addedInboxes } = context.message.content;
  if (addedInboxes?.length > 0) {
    for (const inbox of addedInboxes) {
      console.log(`User added: ${inbox.inboxId}`);

Removed member

When a member is removed from a group it will emit a group_updated event with a removedInboxes array containing the addresses of the users removed.

if (typeId === "group_updated") {
  const { removedInboxes } = context.message.content;
  if (removedInboxes?.length > 0) {
    for (const inbox of removedInboxes) {
      console.log(`User removed: ${inbox.inboxId}`);

Metadata update

When a group name is changed it will emit a group_updated event with a metadataFieldChanges array containing the new group name.

Metadata events:

  • group_name: The name of the group
  • group_description: The description of the group
  • group_image_url_square: The square image of the group
if (typeId === "group_updated") {
  const { metadataFieldChanges } = context.message.content;
  if (metadataFieldChanges?.length > 0) {
    for (const change of metadataFieldChanges) {
      const { fieldName, oldValue, newValue } = change;
      console.log(`Value ${fieldName} changed from ${oldValue} to ${newValue}`);